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Terms and Conditions for the Use of VMzona.com


This document represents the general terms and conditions or terms of use for vmzona.com and the mobile application VMzona, which regulate the rules for using vmzona.com and the mobile application VMzona, including the conclusion of a purchase and sale agreement with a merchant from this online store.

     2.Data about the Platform Administrator www.vmzona.com

2.1. "Juliano Trade" Ltd. is a company with registered office and management address in Sofia, Hristo Smirnenski housing estate, block 36, entrance A, floor 2, apartment 6, with EIK 203472190 and tax identification number BG 203472190.

2.2. "Juliano Trade" Ltd. administers the VMzona online store, in the form of the website vmzona.com and the VMzona mobile application (hereinafter referred to as the "Platform").

2.3. "Juliano Trade" Ltd. undertakes the execution of obligations under contracts concluded based on orders placed with the merchant Juliano Trade Ltd., as well as warranty services and others.

2.4. You can contact VMzona at the address mentioned above, by phone at 0700 20 109, or by email at [email protected]. Charges may apply for phone calls. More information about the fees can be found in the "Contact Us" section on the Platform.

2.5. The seller on the Platform may be any person offering goods or services to third parties for commercial purposes and having a relevant contract with VMzona.

       3. Definitions

3.1. Customer - any natural person at or over 18 years of age, a legal entity, or another legal entity that meets one or more of the following conditions:

3.1.1. accesses the Content through the communication means provided by VMzona (electronically, by phone, etc.) or based on an existing usage agreement with VMzona and who has declared the creation and use of an Account;

3.1.2. after creating an account on the Platform, places an order and concludes a distance sales contract through the VMzona e-commerce platform with VMzona or another merchant.

3.2. User - any natural person at or over 18 years of age, a legal entity, or another legal entity that has registered on the Platform and who, by completing the account creation process, has given consent regarding certain clauses in the Terms and Conditions section on the Platform.

3.3. Seller - VMzona or any other person offering goods or services on the Platform.

3.4. VMzona Marketplace - the e-commerce platform VMzona, provided to other merchants by VMzona, through which they offer their goods or services for sale.

3.5. Site - the online store hosted at the web address vmzona.com and its subdomains.

3.6. The Platform - the Site or the VMzona mobile application.

3.7. Account - a section of the Platform formed by an email address and password that allows the Customer to place an order and contains information about the Customer and the history of some of their actions on the Platform (Orders, invoices, etc.). The Customer is responsible for ensuring that all information entered in the Account is accurate, complete, and up-to-date.

3.8. Favorites - a section in the Account that allows the Customer to create lists of Goods and Services they wish to monitor regarding potential purchases using the service provided by VMzona for tracking Goods and Services through receiving Commercial Messages from the Customer.

3.9. List - a section in "Favorites" where the Customer can add products of interest.

3.10. My Cart - a section in the Account that allows the Customer to add Goods or Services they wish to purchase at the time of adding or at a later stage; in case the Goods and Services are not purchased at the time of adding them, the Customer can use the VMzona service to track the Goods and Services through receiving Commercial Messages from VMzona.

3.11. Order - an electronic document representing a communication form between VMzona and the Customer through which the Customer expresses their desire to purchase Goods or Services from the Platform.

3.12. Goods or Service - any product or service, or digital content, available on the Platform, including products and services mentioned in the Order, which are provided by the Seller as a result of a concluded contract.

3.13. Campaign - any advertising message aimed at promoting the Platform, the VMzona brand, or certain Goods and/or Services offered in limited quantities, unless expressly stated otherwise in the commercial message, for a specific period of time specified by the Seller.

3.14. Contract - represents a distance contract between the Seller and the Customer for the purchase and sale of Goods and/or Services through the Platform, based on an integral part of which are these general terms and conditions for the use of the Platform ("the Document").


3.15. Content

3.16. Commercial Messages

3.17. Group of Companies to Which VMzona Belongs

3.18. Transaction

3.19. Specifications

3.20. Review

3.21. Rating

3.21. Comment

3.23. Question

3.24. Response

3.25. "Pay with 1 Click"

Temporary changes (e.g., promotional periods), application of filters, and services offered on the VMzona platform will not affect the calculation and application of the algorithm.



4.1. The general terms and conditions of VMzona apply to all Customers of the Platform.

4.2. Any use of the Platform means that you have (a) carefully read the general conditions for its use and (b) agreed to adhere to them unconditionally.

4.3. VMzona reserves the right to periodically update and amend the General Terms and Conditions of the Platform to reflect any changes in the way the Site operates and any changes in legal requirements. The document may be binding on Customers from the moment it is published on the Platform. In the event of such a change, we will publish the amended version of the Document on the Platform, so please periodically check the content of this Document. The general conditions in force at the time of the conclusion of the distance contract between the Customer and the Seller apply to each transaction through the Platform.

4.4. If any of the provisions of these general terms and conditions for using the Platform are found to be invalid or inapplicable, regardless of the reason, this does not affect the validity or applicability of the other provisions.

4.5. VMzona and the marketplace sellers make serious efforts to maintain the accuracy of the information presented on the Platform. However, considering the possible technical errors or omissions in this information, VMzona clarifies that the product images are for illustrative and guiding purposes, and accordingly, the delivered products may differ from the images.

4.6. Due to limited space and the sequential structure of the information, product descriptions may sometimes be incomplete. However, VMzona strives to provide the most suitable and relevant information.

4.7. All products, including those on sale or discounted, are sold and delivered until stocks are exhausted, even if this is not explicitly stated on the Platform.

4.8. The Platform may contain links to other websites. VMzona is not responsible for the privacy policy of websites it does not administer, as well as for other information contained in them.

5.1. The customer expresses their desire to order and purchase a Product and/or Service through the Platform by placing an electronic order or by phone, which is registered either by the customer themselves or by a VMzona employee on their behalf.

5.2. VMzona will send a notification to the Customer confirming the registration of the order in its system. This notification does not imply acceptance, confirmation, or an obligation to fulfill the order. VMzona will make this notification electronically (via email) or by phone.

5.3. Therefore, the Seller has the right not to deliver part or all of the Products or not to provide part or all of the Services from the order for various objective reasons, including but not limited to stock depletion. In any case, VMzona will notify the Customer by email or phone. In such a case, the sole responsibility of the Seller is to refund any advance payment received for the Product or Service.

5.4. The distance selling contract between the Seller and the Customer is considered concluded when the Customer receives an email and/or SMS notification on their phone that the Product from the order is ready for dispatch or the Service can be provided. This message contains a notification that the customer will be further informed by the courier about the exact delivery date. VMzona is not a party to the distance selling contract for Products/Services offered by marketplace Sellers through the Platform.

5.5. The purchase and sale contract between the Customer and the Seller consists of these general terms and any additional agreements between the Seller and the Customer. The warranty certificate for each Product will either accompany the Product or be uploaded to the Customer's Account and will be issued by the Seller or its supplier.


6.1. Access to the Platform for the purpose of placing an order is allowed to every customer.

6.2. VMzona reserves the right, at its discretion, to restrict the customer's access to placing an order and/or any of the available payment methods if the customer abuses their rights in any way that harms VMzona or any third party. In such a case, the customer has the right to contact VMzona's "Customer Relations" department to be informed of the reasons that led to the application of the aforementioned measures. In these cases, VMzona is not responsible for any damages that the customer may have suffered or may suffer as a result of this action.

6.3. The customer has the right to post reviews regarding Products and/or Services and to contact VMzona at the addresses provided in the "contacts" section of the Platform. Reviews or messages that contain obscene language or inappropriate content will be removed from the Platform or ignored.

6.4. Communication with the Seller can be made directly with the Seller or at the addresses provided on the Platform under the "Contact" section.

6.5. In cases of unusually high internet network traffic, VMzona reserves the right to require customers to manually enter captcha validation codes to protect the published information on the Platform.

6.6. VMzona may publish advertising or promotional information about Products and/or Services and/or promotions offered by VMzona or other merchants on the Platform for a specific period.

6.7. All prices of Products and/or Services on the Platform are final, stated in Bulgarian Leva (BGN), including VAT and all other taxes or fees required by law.

6.8. In cases provided for by law, the prices of Products, in electronic form, announced on the Platform include an eco-fee. If the customer requests details regarding the exact amount added to the price of the Product, they should contact VMzona's "Customer Relations" department.

6.9. In the case of online payments or bank payments, the Seller is not responsible for any expenses related to fees, commissions, or other additional payments made by the customer or their bank for the transaction itself, as well as for currency exchange cases applied by the customer's bank when the currency is different from BGN. Payments by card to the Seller through PayU are considered international payments by banks in Bulgaria, and according to their rules for card payments, some banks charge additional fees for such transactions. The costs associated with such payments are borne by the customer. Therefore, VMzona recommends its customers to inquire with their bank about any additional fees that may be charged for online payments or payments through a bank.

6.10. All images placed on the Platform are solely intended to provide a general idea of the type of Product/Service offered, rather than an exact representation. As such, some of the images of Products or Services on the Platform (static/dynamic images/multimedia presentations, etc.) may not correspond to the actual appearance of the respective Product or may create a false impression of the Service offered. The Seller shall not be responsible for such discrepancies.

6.11. After 14 (fourteen) days from the date of purchasing a Product or Service, the customer will be asked to write a review regarding the purchased Product or Service. This request will be sent to the email address through which the customer registered on their Account. By providing a review, the customer contributes to better informing other potential customers and actively participates in the development of new services and a more detailed description of the Products.


8.5. The Customer has the right to use the Content for commercial purposes only if they have obtained written consent from VMzona for this and only for the part of the Content, in the manner and to the extent of its use, and within the time limits for which this consent is expressly given. Any subsequent or different use of the Content will be considered a breach of the contract between VMzona and the Customer and a violation of VMzona's intellectual property rights, and VMzona has the right to hold the Customer accountable for it.

8.6. Mere transmission to the Customer or reference to the Content or parts thereof by VMzona will not be considered as VMzona's consent to allow the Customer to use the Content or parts thereof for purposes other than personal use, irrespective of the communication method used by VMzona.

9.8. The Seller is obligated to refund the price paid for the distance contract, from which the Customer has withdrawn, within 14 (fourteen) days of the date on which the Customer provides proof to the Seller that they have returned the relevant Product. The amount will be refunded as follows without incurring any additional costs for the Customer, using the same payment method used by the Customer for the initial transaction unless the Customer has explicitly agreed to the use of another payment method.


11.1. The Customer agrees that by providing any personal or other data to VMzona, they consent to allow VMzona to use such data for the following purposes: (1) maintaining the Customer's account, including order registration, sending ordered products, providing ordered services, billing, resolving disputes with customers regarding their orders, or reviewing their requests; (2) sending Commercial Communications, periodic email or SMS notifications; (3) conducting market research, monitoring and observing sales and customer/consumer behavior.

11.2. The Customer agrees to grant VMzona unlimited access to any materials and information sent to or in connection with the Platform, regardless of whether an order has been made or a transaction has been carried out through the Platform. VMzona has the right to use, reproduce, publish, modify, transmit, and distribute this information or materials. The Customer expressly agrees that VMzona is free to use and process for its purposes any ideas, concepts, or know-how that the Customer has provided to VMzona in any way through or in connection with the Platform or through any actions/inactions taken through or in connection with the Platform. VMzona is not obligated to treat such information as confidential, unless required to do so by applicable law.

11.3. By providing their data to VMzona (including an email address), the Customer gives their explicit consent for VMzona to contact them or for third parties, including couriers, Marketplace sellers, VMzona partners, and marketing service providers, governmental, municipal, or non-governmental agencies, insurance or financial service companies, and other companies with which VMzona may develop joint programs to offer products and services on the market, when required by specific legislation and other companies that VMzona may develop common programs for offering the Products and/or Services on the market.

12.1. When the Customer creates an account on the Platform, they have the option to express their consent to receive Marketing Communications.

12.2. The Customer can withdraw their consent for receiving Marketing Communications from the Seller, which can be done at any time by changing the settings in their Account in "My Subscriptions" or by contacting the Seller.

12.3. Opting out of receiving Marketing Communications does not automatically mean an opt-out of the agreement to enter into this contract.

12.4. After adding Products or Services to the following sections in the Account:

12.4.1. "My Cart," the Seller will notify the Customer/User about:

Changes in the prices of the Products or Services in the "My Cart" section.

Recommendations for Products that are similar to those added to the "My Cart" section.

Availability of Products in the "My Cart" section.

12.4.2. "Favorites," the Seller will notify the Customer/User about:

Changes in the prices of the Products or Services added to the "Favorites" section.

Recommendations for Products or Services similar to those added to the "Favorites" section.

Product availability.

12.4. After purchasing a Product or Service, VMzona will send the Customer Marketing Communications regarding:

Suggestions for Products or Services recommended to be used together with the purchased Product or Service.

The Customer can unsubscribe at any time from receiving Marketing Communications according to Article 12.2 above by clicking on the unsubscribe link published in the Marketing Communications received from VMzona or by contacting VMzona for this purpose.

Additionally, we may use your data for market and consumer research. We do not use the data collected in the context of market and consumer research for advertising purposes. Detailed information (especially regarding the assessment of your posts) can be found in the context of the respective study or where you make your posts. You may object to the use of your data for market research at any time free of charge by clicking on the unsubscribe link published in each message or by contacting VMzona.

13.1. The prices of the Products and Services advertised on the Platform are final and include VAT, as well as all other taxes and fees required by Bulgarian law.

13.2. The price, payment method, and payment period for invoices are specified in each Order. Orders for products offered by VMzona valued over BGN 5,000 will not be payable upon delivery and should be paid in advance via bank transfer or credit card.

13.3. The Customer is obligated to provide all the necessary information for issuing the invoice in accordance with Bulgarian law.

13.4. The Seller will issue an invoice to the Customer for the ordered and delivered Products/Services based on the information provided by the Customer.

13.5. VMzona issues an invoice for every payment related to an Order in which the Customer has purchased Products and/or Services offered on the Platform by VMzona. The Customer agrees to receive such an invoice electronically by uploading it to their Account. In case these payment documents are not available for more than 48 hours in the Account, please inform us at the email address: [email protected].

13.6. VMzona does not issue or send invoices for purchases or other payments related to purchases of Products and/or Services offered by Marketplace Sellers who are obligated to do so in accordance with Bulgarian law.

13.7. In order to correctly compile the invoice for the respective Order, the Customer/User is required to continuously update the information in their account. They are required to review the information indicated in the respective Order to ensure that it is complete, accurate, and truthful.

13.8. The Customer will have a record of the invoices issued by VMzona in their Account, which they can save or archive at any time.

13.9. (1) One-click payment is a fast way to make payments through the VMzona mobile app or the website vmzona.com using a debit or credit card, which is carried out with just one click using the card's Token without the need to enter card data for each transaction.

(2) The "One-Click Payment" method can be activated at any time, after creating your account, when registering a new order or after receiving a confirmation of a registered order.

(3) The Customer can activate the "One-Click Payment" option at any time through the "My Cards" section in their account by choosing the "Save Card" button. At this point, they will be redirected to a PayU page where they can enter the required card details. After entering them, PayU validates the card with the issuing bank. After the respective bank card is validated, the "One-Click Payment" option is automatically activated, and a Token (encrypted, unique code) is received for use when using the "One-Click Payment" service.

(4) The Customer can activate the "One-Click Payment" option when placing an order and choosing to pay with a debit or credit card, after which they choose to activate this option. The activation process is the same as described in item 2, and after completion, the Customer pays, accordingly completing the Order. After the payment confirmation, the Customer can use their card again via the Token.

(5) The Customer can activate the "One-Click Payment" option if they have placed an Order, selected payment via a debit or credit card, but have not activated "One-Click Payment." After receiving a payment confirmation, the Customer will have the opportunity to save their card data in the above-described manner. Subsequently, the Customer will be able to use their card for future payments using the Token.


(6) A Customer with an active "One-Click Payment" option will not need to enter their card details every time. By entering their card details, the Customer confirms that they have been informed and agree to the terms of use of the Platform regarding "One-Click Payment," and explicitly consent to using this data via the Token for future transactions.

(7) Customers who have the "One-Click Payment" option recommended should not remain logged in on the websites they visit (whether frequently or not) and should not set up automatic login on any device (mobile or not), including but not limited to: desktop computers, laptops, mobile phones, tablets, etc., in order to limit access to their Account.

(8) The Customer can enter the details of more than one debit or credit card for payment, for which the "One-Click Payment" option can be activated. The data for each card will be associated with a different Token. The Customer can delete any Token for each card at any time. Additionally, the Customer can deactivate the "One-Click Payment" service from their account on the Platform in the "My Orders" section, rendering it impossible for the Customer to use the "One-Click Payment" service until it is potentially reactivated by the above-described methods.

(9) The Customer's payment card details will not be accessible to VMzona, nor will they be stored by VMzona, but only by the issuer of the respective payment card or by another entity authorized to provide card data storage services.

(10) The authorized entity for providing card data storage services is PayU SA, a company established and operating under Polish law, registered in the Commercial Register in Poznań-Nowe Miasto I Wilda w Poznaniu under registration number 0000274399, with its registered office and management address at 182 Grunwaldzka, 60-166 Poznan, Poland.

(11) In certain cases, to maintain transaction security, the Customer will need to enable payment by re-entering the card password or using fingerprint authentication for mobile terminals that have this feature.

(12) For security reasons during transactions, the Customer is advised not to use the automatic login option on mobile devices and not to save passwords for card accounts. Sharing card account passwords is prohibited, and it is recommended to use a strong password (e.g., at least eight characters, including uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters).

(13) The Customer can enter the details of several cards they possess, for which the "One-Click Payment" option can be activated with one associated Token per payment card. Additionally, they can delete a saved card at any time, which will terminate their access to the "One-Click Payment" service.

(14) In case the Customer's account has multiple saved addresses, the delivery will be sent to the one designated as the primary address.


14.1. The Seller undertakes to deliver the ordered and purchased Goods either by themselves or through a courier company to the address specified by the Customer, which should be easily accessible by a delivery vehicle, or to the office of the courier company, depending on the Customer's choice. In cases of door-to-door delivery, the Customer should specify the floor to which the products should be delivered in the address field on the electronic form of vmzona.com designated for this purpose. Otherwise, delivery will be made to the building specified as the delivery address if there is access to the building by a delivery vehicle.

14.2. The Seller will ensure proper packaging of the Goods and dispatch accompanying documents. If, for any reason, the required document is not included in the shipment with the ordered product, please contact us at the email address [email protected], and we will do our best to provide it to you as quickly as possible.

14.3. (1) VMzona will only deliver Goods and provide Services within the territory of Bulgaria.

(2) The delivery conditions for products offered by VMzona can be found on the "Delivery of Orders" info page of the Platform.

(3) The delivery terms and cost for the Goods of Marketplace Sellers will be provided to Customers on the respective page of each such merchant on the Platform, accessible through its active name in the text "Offered and delivered by...” under each Product.

(4) The cost of delivery, when applicable, will be visible once the desired Product(s) is placed in the cart.

(5) In case the selected delivery method is an automated EasyBox locker, i.e., the delivery service is provided directly to the Customer by VMzona, the Customer, by agreeing to these Terms of Use of the Platform, also agrees to VMzona's terms and conditions for providing postal services, which can be found here. VMzona will issue an invoice for the delivery cost, even when the delivered product is from another Seller. The automated locker is a metal structure equipped with a computer system that allows easy and secure placement of parcels and their retrieval.


15.1. The Seller offers all Goods on the Platform with a warranty of conformity of the goods with the Contract in accordance with the applicable legislation. Exceptions are made for certain categories of goods that, due to their nature, cannot have a warranty. Each seller is solely responsible for the compliance of the Goods/Service offered by them with the concluded Contract.

15.2. With regard to the Goods that are sold and delivered by VMzona, the warranty certificates are issued by the manufacturer or are issued by VMzona. For all products sold with a warranty, VMzona provides the "Pick-up & Return" service, which means the free collection and return of the Goods.

15.3. (1) Regarding the goods sold and delivered by Marketplace Sellers through the Platform, the Customer should receive a warranty certificate with all the details of the service center providing repairs within the warranty period. The warranty for Goods purchased from Marketplace Sellers through VMzona is provided by the authorized service center designated by the Seller. Marketplace Sellers are solely and independently responsible for providing the required documentation to accompany the purchased Goods, as well as for providing warranty service.

15.4. Warranty certificates issued by VMzona will be sent to the Customer in electronic format to the email address provided by the Customer and by adding them to the Customer's account. In the latter case, the Customer will have a record in their Account of the warranty certificates issued by VMzona, which they can save or archive at any time.

15.5. The Customer is required to regularly update their data in their Account and review it before each order since the Seller will use it for completing and issuing the warranty certificate.

The conditions for using, handling, and transporting an unpackaged product are the same as for products in their original packaging and enjoy the same benefits unless otherwise stated on the product page.

15.7. Repair of Goods outside the warranty period or within the warranty period, but in cases where the Seller's obligation to bring the Goods into conformity with the Sales Contract has lapsed for any reason, will be subject to payment by the Customer and will be carried out within a mutually agreed timeframe.


16.1. Ownership of the Goods will be transferred from the Seller upon delivery of the Goods to the Customer after the payment has been made. The transfer of the Goods will be verified by the Customer's signature on the transport document provided by the courier.


17.1. Writing Reviews, Comments, Questions, and Answers can be done by the Customer in the "Customer Questions and Answers" and "Reviews" sections. The information provided can be both positive and negative and must relate to the characteristics and use of a specific Product or Service.

17.2. At the time of registration of a Review/Comment/Question/Answer on the Platform, Customers grant VMzona an exclusive, permanent, irrevocable, territorially unrestricted license and the right to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, distribute, and display this content.

17.3. Customers, when publishing a Review/Comment/Question/Answer in the designated sections, are obliged to adhere to the following rules:






17.4. In addition to the critical realistic assessment, at the time of publishing a Review, the Customer should also add a Rating for the respective product or service. Reviews, along with their respective Ratings, will affect the overall Rating of the product or service, which will be expressed as a number next to the Product. Therefore, a Review accompanied by a high Rating will increase the overall Rating, while a Review accompanied by a low Rating will decrease the overall Rating.

17.5. Customers who post Reviews to which they attach photo or video files shall adhere to the following rules:

17.6. When a Customer reports that a Review/Comment/Question or Answer has inappropriate content, VMzona carefully reviews that content to determine if it violates the terms of use of the Platform. Published text, images, or videos are removed from the Platform only after VMzona's review.

17.7. In the event that VMzona repeatedly identifies violations of these Terms of Use, it reserves the right to limit the Customer's ability to post Reviews/Comments/Questions and Answers in the "Customer Questions and Answers" and "Reviews" section without being required to provide a justification.

17.8. Reviews are clarified on the respective Platform page as follows:

For more information, including information about warranties and the authenticity of Reviews, please visit this link.

17.9. Regarding complaints and grievances related to the purchased Goods and/or Services, Customers have access to the complaint form here. Each Customer can submit their complaint by completing the standard form to facilitate the exercise of the right of withdrawal under the Consumer Protection Act and sending it via email. The form can be copied from here:


To [Merchant's Name]

[Address, EIK]

With this, I would like to inform you that I am canceling the contract for the purchase of the following goods/services:

[Product Description]

The goods were ordered on [Order Date].

The goods were received on [Receiving Date].

[Customer Name]

Residing at [Customer Address]

Date: [Date]

Customer's Signature:

18.1. The Seller is not responsible for any damages suffered by the Customer as a result of force majeure circumstances or those beyond the control of the Seller.

Please review the privacy policy, which is part of this document and can be found here.


Please review the cookie policy, which is part of this document and can be found here.

21.1. Neither party shall be responsible for the non-fulfillment of its contractual obligations if such non-fulfillment is due to force majeure. Force majeure is an unforeseeable event beyond the control of the parties that cannot be avoided.

21.2. If, within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of the respective event, it does not cease, each of the parties has the right to notify the other party that it is terminating the contract without owing the other party compensation for any potential damages.



This Agreement is governed by Bulgarian law. By accepting these general terms, the Customer understands and agrees that VMzona may transfer all its rights and obligations arising from this Document to another company or a third party that is part of the VMzona corporate group. Any disputes arising between VMzona and Customers will be resolved by mutual agreement, or if this is not possible, the disputes will be settled before the competent Bulgarian courts. Purchase-sale agreements concluded between the Customer and Marketplace Sellers through the Platform are resolved by the competent Bulgarian court in accordance with Bulgarian law, unless the parties have agreed otherwise.


23.4. Annex IV of Commission Regulation (EU) No 1015/2010 of 10 November 2010 implementing Directive 2009/125/EC of the European Parliament on ecodesign requirements applicable to domestic washing machines.

23.5. Reference Values

As of the date of entry into force of this Regulation, the highest available technology on the market for domestic washing machines, with respect to energy consumption, washing efficiency, and airborne sound emissions during washing/spinning in the standard 60°C cotton cycle with a full load, is identified as follows (*):

23.5.1. Domestic washing machines with a nominal capacity of 3 kg:

(a) Energy consumption: 0.57 kWh/cycle (or 0.19 kWh/kg), corresponding to an annual energy consumption of 117.84 kWh/year, of which 105.34 kWh/year for 220 cycles, and 12.5 kWh/year for low power modes.

(b) Water consumption: 39 liters/cycle, i.e., 8,580 liters/year for 220 cycles.

(c) Washing efficiency index: 1.03 ≥ I w > 1.00.

(d) Airborne sound emissions during washing/spinning (900 rpm): not available.

23.5.2. Domestic washing machines with a nominal capacity of 3.5 kg:

(a) Energy consumption: 0.66 kWh/cycle (or 0.19 kWh/kg), corresponding to a total annual energy consumption of 134.50 kWh/year, of which 122.00 kWh/year for 220 cycles and 12.5 kWh/year for low power modes.

(b) Water consumption: 39 liters/cycle, i.e., 8,580 liters/year for 220 cycles.

(c) Washing efficiency index: I w greater than or equal to 1.03.

(d) Airborne sound emissions during washing/spinning (1,100 rpm): not available.

23.5.3. Washing Machines for Domestic Use with a Nominal Capacity of 4.5 kg:

(a) Energy consumption: 0.76 kWh/cycle (or 0.17 kWh/kg), which corresponds to an overall annual energy consumption of 152.95 kWh/year, of which 140.45 kWh/year for 220 cycles and 12.5 kWh/year for low power modes.

(b) Water consumption: 40 liters/cycle, i.e., 8,800 liters/year for 220 cycles.

(c) Washing efficiency index: I w of 1.03.

(d) Airborne noise emissions during washing/spinning (1,000 rpm): 55/70 dB(A) re 1pW.

23.5.4. Washing Machines for Domestic Use with a Nominal Capacity of 5 kg:

(a) Energy consumption: 0.850 kWh/cycle (or 0.17 kWh/kg), which corresponds to an overall annual energy consumption of 169.60 kWh/year, of which 157.08 kWh/year for 220 cycles and 12.5 kWh/year for low power modes.

(b) Water consumption: 39 liters/cycle, i.e., 8,580 liters/year for 220 cycles.

(c) Washing efficiency index: I w of 1.03.

(d) Airborne noise emissions during washing/spinning (1,200 rpm): 53/73 dB(A) re 1pW.

23.5.5. Washing Machines for Domestic Use with a Nominal Capacity of 6 kg:

(a) Energy consumption: 0.90 kWh/cycle (or 0.15 kWh/kg), which corresponds to an overall annual energy consumption of 178.82 kWh/year, of which 166.32 kWh/year for 220 cycles and 12.5 kWh/year for low power modes.

(b) Water consumption: 37 liters/cycle, i.e., 8,140 liters/year for 220 cycles.

(c) Washing efficiency index: I w of 1.03.

(d) Airborne noise emissions during washing/spinning (1,600 rpm): Not available.

23.5.6. Washing Machines for Domestic Use with a Nominal Capacity of 7 kg:

(a) Energy consumption: 1.05 kWh/cycle (or 0.15 kWh/kg), which corresponds to an overall annual energy consumption of 201.00 kWh/year, of which 188.50 kWh/year for 220 cycles and 12.5 kWh/year for low power modes.

(b) Water consumption: 43 liters/cycle, i.e., 9,460 liters/year for 220 cycles.

(c) Washing efficiency index: I w of 1.03.

(d) Airborne noise emissions during washing/spinning (1,000 rpm): 57/73 dB(A) re 1pW.

(e) Airborne noise emissions during washing/spinning (1,400 rpm): 59/76 dB(A) re 1pW.

(f) Airborne noise emissions during washing/spinning (1,200 rpm): 48/62 dB(A) re 1pW (for built-in domestic washing machines).

23.5.7. Washing Machines for Domestic Use with a Nominal Capacity of 8 kg:

(a) Energy consumption: 1.200 kWh/cycle (or 0.15 kWh/kg), which corresponds to an overall annual energy consumption of 234.26 kWh/year, of which 221.76 kWh/year for 220 cycles and 12.5 kWh/year for low power modes.

(b) Water consumption: 56 liters/cycle, i.e., 12,320 liters/year for 220 cycles.

(c) Washing efficiency index: I w of 1.03.

(d) Airborne noise emissions during washing/spinning (1,400 rpm): 54/71 dB(A) re 1pW.

(e) Airborne noise emissions during washing/spinning (1,600 rpm): 54/74 dB(A) re 1pW.


24.1. Application IV of Regulation (EU) No 1016/2010 of the Commission of 10 November 2010 for implementing Directive 2009/125/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the ecodesign requirements applicable to domestic dishwashers.

24.2. Reference values

As of the date of entry into force of this regulation, the highest technology available on the market for domestic dishwashers, regarding energy consumption, washing efficiency, and airborne noise emissions during washing/drying, is identified as follows:

24.2.1. Dishwashers for domestic use for 15 place settings (built-in model):

(a) Energy consumption: 0.88 kWh/cycle, corresponding to an annual energy consumption of 268.9 kWh/year, of which 246.4 kWh/year for 280 washing cycles and 12.5 kWh/year for low power modes.

(b) Water consumption: 10 liters/cycle, i.e., 2,800 liters per year for 280 cycles.

(c) Washing efficiency index: I C > 1.12.

(d) Drying efficiency index: I D > 1.08.

(e) Airborne noise emissions: 45 dB(A) re 1pW.

24.2.2. Dishwashers for domestic use for 14 place settings (compact built-in model):

(a) Energy consumption: 0.83 kWh/cycle, corresponding to an annual energy consumption of 244.9 kWh/year, of which 232.4 kWh/year for 280 washing cycles and 12.5 kWh/year for low power modes.

(b) Water consumption: 10 liters/cycle, i.e., 2,800 liters per year for 280 cycles.

(c) Washing efficiency index: I C > 1.12.

(d) Drying efficiency index: I D > 1.08.

(e) Airborne noise emissions: 41 dB(A) re 1pW.

24.2.3. Dishwashers for domestic use for 13 place settings (compact built-in model):

(a) Energy consumption: 0.83 kWh/cycle, corresponding to an annual energy consumption of 244.9 kWh/year, of which 232.4 kWh/year for 280 washing cycles and 12.5 kWh/year for low power modes.

(b) Water consumption: 10 liters/cycle, i.e., 2,800 liters per year for 280 cycles.

(c) Washing efficiency index: I C > 1.12.

(d) Drying efficiency index: I D > 1.08.

(e) Airborne noise emissions: 42 dB(A) re 1pW.

24.2.4. Dishwashers for domestic use for 12 place settings (compact built-in model):

(a) Energy consumption: 0.950 kWh/cycle, corresponding to an annual energy consumption of 278.5 kWh/year, of which 266 kWh/year for 280 washing cycles and 12.5 kWh/year for low power modes.

(b) Water consumption: 9 liters/cycle, i.e., 2,520 liters per year for 280 cycles.

(c) Washing efficiency index: I C > 1.12.

(d) Drying efficiency index: I D > 1.08.

(e) Airborne noise emissions: 41 dB(A) re 1pW.

24.2.5. Dishwashers for domestic use with 9 place settings (built-in model):

(a) Energy consumption: 0.800 kWh/cycle, which corresponds to an annual energy consumption of 236.5 kWh/year, of which 224 kWh/year for 280 washing cycles and 12.5 kWh/year for low power modes.

(b) Water consumption: 9 liters/cycle, i.e., 2,520 liters per year for 280 cycles.

(c) Washing efficiency index: I C > 1.12.

(d) Drying efficiency index: I D > 1.08.

(e) Airborne noise emissions: 44 dB(A) re 1pW.

24.2.6. Dishwashers for domestic use with 6 place settings (built-in model):

(a) Energy consumption: 0.63 kWh/cycle, which corresponds to an annual energy consumption of 208.5 kWh/year, of which 196 kWh/year for 280 washing cycles and 12.5 kWh/year for low power modes.

(b) Water consumption: 7 liters/cycle, i.e., 1,960 liters per year for 280 cycles.

(c) Washing efficiency index: I C > 1.12.

(d) Drying efficiency index: 1.08 ≥ I D > 0.86.

(e) Airborne noise emissions: 45 dB(A) re 1pW.

24.2.7. Dishwashers for domestic use with 4 place settings (freestanding model):

(a) Energy consumption: 0.51 kWh/cycle, which corresponds to an annual energy consumption of 155.3 kWh/year, of which 142.8 kWh/year for 280 washing cycles and 12.5 kWh/year for low power modes.

(b) Water consumption: 9.5 liters/cycle, i.e., 2,660 liters per year for 280 cycles.

(c) Washing efficiency index: I C > 1.12.

(d) Drying efficiency index: 1.08 ≥ I D > 0.86.

(e) Airborne noise emissions: 53 dB(A) re 1pW.


Waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) may contain hazardous substances that have an adverse effect on the environment and human health if not collected separately.

Considering the provisions of the Bulgarian Waste Management Act, its subordinate regulatory acts, and Directive 2012/19/EU on waste electrical and electronic equipment, please note that:

25.1. Users are obligated not to place WEEE in undesignated areas and to collect such WEEE separately.

25.2. Systems for the reverse collection and separate collection of WEEE available to consumers include collection points for WEEE, centers for the collection by authorized waste management organizations, or directly to "Ekobulteh" AD (http://www.ecobultex.com), authorized by VMzona to carry out the responsibilities for separate collection and waste management in the territory of Bulgaria.

25.3. When purchasing a new product, customers can return the equivalent amount of waste products free of charge to VMzona through "Ekobulteh" AD, provided that it is of a similar type and performs the same functions as the purchased product.

25.4. The symbol of a crossed-out wheelie bin indicates the need for separate collection of WEEE, placed on which it is.